Tuesday, February 24, 2009

And one for me

After finishing up my last commission I was elated and then the grumpy descended upon me. The grumpy is what happens when everything I sew is for someone else. I'm always happy to be done and happy that I did a good job and then I start wondering when do I get to keep any of the things I create? So this past weekend I zipped up this little number for myself.

This was my first attempt at flossing. I like it but after all the hand sewing on my previous project it felt a little tedious because my hands were aching. I'm glad I took the time to do it though. I drafted this pattern from scratch in a combination of flat pattern method and draping and I think it produced a pretty good result. I still have to tweak it a bit but not bad for something I cranked out in about 12 hours.

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